Past Postdoctoral Fellows
- Graciela Cabana (2003-2006, now assistant professor, U. Tennessee)
- Matthew Emery (Now at Binghamton University)
- Ana Y. Morales-Arce (2018-2020, now Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern)
- Maria A. Nives-Colón (2010-2019, now Senior Scientist, Astrea Forensics)
- Andrew Ozga (2017-2019, now Assistant Professor at Nova Southeastern University)
- Susanna Sabin (2019-2021, now ORISE Fellow at CDC Georgia)
- Alicia Wilbur (2008-2009, currently research scientist, Washington National Primate Reseach Center)
- Cody Parker ( PhD 2020, Max Planck Institute)
Past Graduate Students (committee chair) and their current positions
- Kelly Blevins (Ph.D. 2021)
- Jada Benn Torres (Ph.D. 2006, UNM): Assistant professor, Notre Dame University
- Tessa Campbell (U. Cape town)
- Kelly Harkins (Ph.D. 2014, ASU)
- Tanvi P. Honap (Ph.D. 2017, ASU). Assistant Research Professor, University of Oklahoma.
- Genevieve Housman (Ph.D 2017, ASU). Post doc, University of Chicago.
- Howard Lanus (MS 2023, ASU).
- Mary Leonard (MA 2006, ASU): PhD student in nuclear chemistry, Oregon State
- Cecil Lewis (Ph.D. 2005, UNM): Associate professor, University of Oklahoma
- Hsiuman Lin (Ph.D. 2009, UNM): research scientist, National Museum of Taiwan
- Joanna Malukiewicz (Ph.D. School of Life Sciences, ASU)
- George (PJ) Perry (Ph.D. 2008, ASU) Assistant professor, Pennsylvania State University
- Heather Smith (Ph.D. 2008, ASU): Associate professor, Midwestern University
- Jamie Smith (MA 2002, UNM)
- Amanda Van Steelandt (Global Health PhD program, SHESC)
- Angela Taravella (Ph.D.)
- Alicia Wilbur (Ph.D. 2005, UNM): Research scientist, Washington National Primate Research Center
- Adele Crane
Past undergraduates:
(2013- Present)
- Trisha Amin, (now in the physician’s assistant program at NAU)
- Christina Balentine (Arizona Science Museum staff)
- Michelle Ciambella
- April Cobos
- Nicole Darian
- Ryan Grieger (now in the MD program at U. Arizona)
- Emma Howell
- Ariel Johnson (now in the MD program at U. Arizona)
- Allie Kelsey
- Justin Lund (now in graduate school in Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma)
- Michael Neimeyer (now in the MA program in Bioethics at ASU)
- Megann Phillips (now in MA program at George Washington University)
- John Williams
- Claire Hopkins
- Kat Fowler
- Katie Skerry
- Rishika Mehta
- Nick Banovich (now an assistant professor at TGEN)
- David Bayne (now in medical school at U. Kansas)
- Rebecca Coleman (now in graduate school in Anthropology at Penn State)
- Jennifer Guida (received MPH from U. Colorado, Denver)
- Danielle Johnson (now in graduate school in Human Genetics at the University of Utah)
- Megan Rubel (now in graduate school in Anthropology at U. Pennsylvania)
- Niki Weber
- Clay Woodcock (now a graduate student in biochemistry at UC Santa Barbara)
- Katrina Claw (Ph.D. in Genome Sciences, U. Washington )
- Dan Drinin (now a graduate student at U. Washington)
- Ashley Loundsbury
- Joe Maranville (Ph.D. in Human Genetics, U. Chicago)